Four of cups reversed as feelings
Four of cups reversed as feelings

They feel that they will be there for you through thick and thin. They are emotionally mature and take a level headed approach to everything. They have seen you at all points in time, whether you were at your best or at your very worst, and they still love you. They are excited to see where this relationship can go.įor existing relationships, the King of Cups indicates that this person feels extremely devoted to you and your relationship. They find you utterly charming, flaws and all. This person feels very kind-hearted and understanding.

four of cups reversed as feelings

They are feeling very devoted to you, despite having only known you for a short period of time. They want to make you happy, and they want to make this relationship work.įor singles and those embarking on new relationships, the King of Cups means that this person’s feelings towards you are very positive. This person loves you despite all of your flaws. They recognize that we all make mistakes. This person is also feeling compassionate and understanding towards you. Even when things get hot, they can always keep a cool head while asking for what they need. This person is emotionally mature and level headed. They value you deeply, just as they would their own family.

four of cups reversed as feelings

If you are asking about how someone feels about you and you draw the King of Cups, it means that this person is feeling extremely devoted to you. As you continue to emotionally mature, you will grow closer and closer to becoming the King of Cups and all he represents. The pinnacle of love is not in the early stages of infatuation, but is in the steadiness of a loyal devotion that only grows stronger with time. The King of Cups reminds us that in mature love, we always find a good balance between the head and the heart. When it comes to those he loves, he is extremely devoted. He loves deeply, but is also able to know when something is no longer serving him. He is looking out into the world with confidence and maturity. The king sits on his throne, holding a scepter in one hand and a large cup in the other. A lack of anything reliable, be it love (Cups), money/health (Pentacles), spiritual/philosophical foundation (Wands), a way to gather up their thoughts and rest their mind (Swords).The King of Cups is the card of wisdom, diplomacy, balance, devotion, and counseling. Likewise, they might be ruining their health or pressing their luck.Īll in all, reversed fours suggest a lack of something solid and dependable. This might suggest a gambler or spendthrift, someone who is lending out money with abandon, or buying drinks for everyone at the bar or just buying things they don't need. Reversed this card would suggest the opposite, that the person is profligate, throwing away all their money, spending it and keeping nothing for a rainy day. Often called the Miser card the Four of Pentacles suggests that the person is hanging on to what they have, perhaps a little too hard. In fact, things are so emotionally empty that the dreamer can't even imagine a better life. This suggests that life is not so restful and good that the person can become discontent with it. But all the other cups are emptied too, and the seated dreamer is unseated. Reversed, our cup of dreams spills out its temptation. The card can suggest either laziness or restlessness. All in all, if this card is reversed, it suggests that there is quicksand underneath rather than solid stone.Ī card where the status quo, pleasant as it is, has become boring and the person has begun to dream of other things. Possibly the families aren't united either.

four of cups reversed as feelings

Something is not solid about the relationship and the couple are not ready to marry yet. Certainly if a reader got this for a querent engaged to be married, the reader may want to warn the querent that they ought to postpone the wedding. The foundation is not laid or not ready - the cement, perhaps, is still wet. Reversed would indicate a blockage of this energy.

four of cups reversed as feelings

Often called "The marriage card", this is the card of foundations laid and ready to be built upon. The querent may want or need it, but they are not going to get it. Clearly, the reversed card indicates that there is no rest, no retreat and no recuperation. Reverse this and the man falls off his pallet. Upright, this is a card of rest, recuperation or meditation - a retreat to regain health and mental sharpness. Either the foundation completed and ready to be built upon, or a time which, for better or worse, there is a status quo being maintained. Fours are emblematic of stability or stagnation.

Four of cups reversed as feelings